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Monday, October 25, 2010

Finding Inspiration

Just got back from my annual fall trip to Montana. So incredibly beautiful and peaceful there.

What was I doing in Montana?

Well, wait for it...wait for it...



I know that many readers out there may have an issue with hunting, and I can tell you that I sometimes find myself conflicted about it as well. But, at the end of the day, I'm not a vegetarian and I believe that hunting is actually a much more humane way to provide meat for your family than buying it from growers. Even when you buy organic and free range meat and poultry, those animals are being farmed versus living free until the end. They have good lives and are eating completely naturally. There's nothing more organic than that.

If you haven't seen the wonderful documentay FOOD INC., I highly suggest you check it out. It's a really informative film, done by the guy who wrote The Omnivore's Dilemma.

Anyway, Montana's natural beauty and game provided me with some culinary inspiration -- great dishes for pheasant, duck, wild turkey and venison coming your way, right in time for the holidays.

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