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Monday, September 20, 2010

Farmer's Market

So, I thought I'd just post a typical haul from the farmer's market... some staples I like to keep on hand throughout the week.

So on the left, we've got some nice beets, gold and red that I plan on roasting and I'll use the beet leaves for a great braised veggie dish. Got some leeks of course, can use those in just about anything. I've got a big, huge knob of ginger, which I'll use to make some Thai food, fresh ginger tea and to kick up my Dark n' Stormies...

At the top center is some fresh spinach, for spinach salad or sauteed spinach, as well as a bag of wild arugula aka "rocket", which is much spicier than baby arugula, and looks totally didifferent. Also, a side note on spinach -- interestingly, on Jamie Oliver's "Food Revolution" show, he said that frozen spinach is actually has more nutrients than freh spinach, because they harvest it and freeze it right away, which I confirmed in an article I read about research done on the topic at Penn State. So, don't think that frozen spinach is a faux pas or anything, I use it all the time for sauteed spinach and you can't tell it's been frozen at all -- in fact, I prefer it.

Got some Heirloom Tomatoes of course. Gotta load up on em while they're in season. Three types of fresh pasta from Beverly Hills Wine and Cheese - the best in LA: Pappardelle, Buccatini and Whole Wheat Fettuccine.

Got some peaches to make a dessert with, some fresh strawberries and blueberries for breakfast , some figs to eat with some nice cheese and bread, some grapes for the kid -- and some amzing Concord seedless grapes that taste like grape soda. OMG they are good. Got some eggplant to mess around with, some fresh white corn (no reason to ever get yellow in my opinion) which is great to add to just about anything - salad, pasta, fish, as a side or on the cobb. And, some red peppers to make Fred's famous Romesco Sauce...not sure I can post the recipe because it's top secret -- and for good reason! It's the bombzo.

So there you have it. Some typical weekly staples.

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