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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The BSD Salad

Sometimes a man just wants a god damn salad -- a Big Swingin' Dick salad. A BSD salad is personal. It should be the things you love most in a salad, together. Maybe you love avocado and pine nuts?Maybe you like pear in your salad? Maybe you like spinach? Some things will work together, some things won't. Experiment a bit and find the one that's right for you.

Also, it should be easy. No fuss. Man style. Here's what I came up with on Saturday afternoon...

What you need:
1 Italian Sausage (mine gad fennel in it, so money)
Wild Arugula, washed
Heirloom or some type of tomato
Fresh Burrata
Girard's Champagne Dressing
Good Balsamic

Quickly grill or fry your sausage.

While you're doing that, wash and dry your veg. Chop up your tomato. Put the arugula and tomatoes into a bowl. Dress with Girard's.

I gotta say, I've tried a lot of salad dressings in my life (i love me some salad dressing) and Girard's Champagne Vinaigrette is pretty unstoppable. One of the things I love about it, too, is that it lends itself well to modification -- you can add some mustard to it for some kick, or add some balsamic to it to give it a richer flavor. You can really play around with it. Sometime I eat it as is, sometimes I put a spin on it. It's a great, basic dressing.

Back to it, cut up your burrata into hunks and put on top, drizzle some good, syrupy balsamic (the expensive stuff) over the cheese. Take your sausage off the grill, pour yourself a glass of Zind Humbrecht and fuhgeddabowdit.

"Yea, that's I'm eating a salad and having a glass of white wine for lunch...you gotta problem with that tough guy?"

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