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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Mushroom CrackToast - Best in LA

Mushroom Toast is my favorite go-to appetizer / snack at the moment. It is so incredibly packed with flavor and richness and just mouth watering savory decadence that it’s absolutely perfect for a cold winter’s day. And I have to be honest, over the holidays I was not afraid to have this for breakfast!

My obsession began a few years ago when I first dined at Gjelina in LA, where Chef Travis Lett serves up the best MT in town. But I thought I may be able to do one better – not because I can cook better than Travis by any possible stretch of the imagination, but because I can spend a bit more on the ingredients (perhaps) and solely use Chanterelle Mushrooms, which if you have not had them, are absolute gold. While in the 1700s they were reserved for the tables of nobility, you can find chanterelles at many gormet markets these days. I get mine at the farmer’s market from LA Funghi, who have amsolutely amazing shrooms (http://www.lafunghi.com/)

What you need:
A good handful of chanterelle mushrooms.
Butter, Olive Oil
White wine
Red wine vinegar
Salt and Pepper
Garlic - 1 clove

Heat up your pan to high, throw in your butter and olive oil and get it melting (but not brown) as soon at the butter is melted, ass your mushrooms and turn the heat down to Med. High. Add a good pinch of salt and some pepper. Stir your mushrooms around, coating them in olive oil and butter. When they look well coated and are starting to become tender, turn the heat back to high and add in a glass of white wine, it should bubble up a bit and when it does, back the heat off to med. Let the wine and mushrooms cook down for about 5-10 minutes.

Meanwhile, put a nice piece of sourdough toast in the toaster oven, or grill it on a grill pan if you want to get fancy, until your toast is a nice golden brown. While the toast is in the oven, quickly peel a clove of garlic. Take the toast out and rub it with your clove of garlic – it’s amazing how this hint of garlic completes the dish. I just made it again for a friend this weekend and forgot to, and instantly I said “This is off…something’s missing. It’s ok, but not great.” And it wasn’t until just now that I remembered that I forgot to rub my bread with garlic.

Check on the shrooms. They should be nice and soft and most, but not all, of the wine should have cooked off. Taste your mushrooms. They should taste really nice, well seasoned with salt and pepper and should have a real richness to them – almost too rich. Get your seasoning straight, then add a splash, like a capful of Red Wine vinegar, to add a little twang and subdue the rich flavor. Then, turn the heat to low and stir in a touch of cream, until the white wine has become a beautiful creamy sauce.

Then, grab a plate, put your toast on it, and scoop on your mushrooms, finishing by spooning that sauce on, which will get sopped up by the bread…like when you did a baguette into the leftover butter sauce from clams or mussles.  If this dish does not completely blow your mind and instantly put you into a happy mood, then you have serious issues my friend…